My Story.
Art for Nature...
Art opens a possibility for me not only to transform and process the intense perception of my whole environment. Art is my contribution to support nature with all the animals, especially the birds.
Birds neither have a lobby nor do they have any rights. Legally, they are "things". Birds are dependent on the goodwill of human beings. Birds are essential for our environment. Birds are highly sensitive, they are highly intelligent and skilled, and they can warn us if we just listen to them. We can learn a lot from them.
Of course, I cannot save the world. But I can take action to make the world a slightly better place for nature, the animals and birds.
At the end of the day, we have to realize that we all live on the same planet. Until now, there is no alternative, even though you might be ultra rich and think you can just escape to the moon.
If you are an art collector, investor, institution or gallery, and if you also want to contribute to save our nature and environment, you can do so by collecting my art. The net revenues will be transferred to carefully selected sanctuaries and institutions for animal shelter. Stay tuned for more to come!
I create contemporary art, focusing on different topics. The ideas for my artwork are inspired by the inner images drawn from perceiving the world, whether in conversations, observing people and animals, or reflecting on social phenomena. Thus, I don't use any sketches or photos or other external drawings to create.
My strengths lie in the imaginative usage of material, paint and shapes. At the moment, I prefer acrylic on canvas, using fresco techniques. I love and work with clear colours like yellow, blue and red as well as green, orange and sienna, added with white and black. On some art work, I add metals like gold or coins or other materials.
I am
Ricarda Simon
I am a Physical Artist in Kerry, going phygital. The artistic streak runs in the family.
My grandfather was a painter, had a painting business in East Berlin and painted oil paintings on the side during World War II, which he sold to the Americans - a real Richard Simon cost something back then.
Before the Wall was built, my grandfather fled to the West with his family and lost everything as a result and was also not compensated because he died early.
My diploma at the college for design in Germany showed me that I need a free mind for creativity - I felt that I am not made for "commissioned work under financial pressure" as it is given to most professional artists.
Therefore, I decided to dedicate my creativity and intellectual skills to the art of potential analysis and its positive influence on human software. In 2023, I started my journey to focus more on the artistic side of my creativity and to combine it with my vision to support nature.
Of course, Ricarda Simon is an open pseudonym I chose for my creative artistic identity. However, you can find out my "original name" very easily if you just combine two facts.
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